Sylvania Heights Public School

STRIVE TO ACHIEVE - Respectful, Responsible Learners

Telephone02 9522 0111


All students are expected to wear full school uniform, including a school hat. The school policy is ‘No hat, play under the COLA’.

Jewellery, except watches, sleeper earrings or studs, is not to be worn to school.

Lost property

Please label all items of clothing. Lost property is kept in a box which is located next to the main administration building.

Uniform shop

The SHPS Uniform Shop is proudly run by P&C Volunteers. Please check the most recent newsletter for current opening hours or alternatively order via the SHPS Uniform Shop Website

School Winter Uniform- Amendment June 2020

Boys-Whilst we encourage long grey pants for boys, some students may prefer to wear grey shorts.

Girls-Whilst we encourage green tights for girls, some may prefer to wear short white socks. Please note: No long white socks.

Students have three options of either the school jumper, green zip up jacket or sports jacket to wear with regular winter uniform.

Either short or long sleeved shirts can be worn.

Sports Days-either sports shorts or long track pants can be worn.

Black school shoes apply on regular days-joggers are for sports days.

These adjustments have the approval of the P&C

Pre-loved items

Pre-loved items are sold for a small fee, and the money goes to our P&C.

If you are kind enough to bring in pre-loved items, it would be helpful to us if the clothing is washed and clean. We are unable to sell clothing that is not in reasonable condition, and items like this are put in the clothing disposal.

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