Our beautiful and future-focused school library is staffed with a full-time teacher librarian. Students attend the library each week and participate in information skill lessons and book borrowing.
Scholastic Book Club
Changes effective from May 2020
The following addresses the issue of handling and distribution of order forms and orders from the Scholastic Book Club due to Covid 19.
Please note the following changes for ordering and delivery:
1. Book Club Brochure will be circulated via the school web site and in the school newsletter, there will be no paper catalogue sent home with students.
Catalogues for 2020 can be accessed at https://www.scholastic.com.au/book-club/book-club-home/
2. All orders to be placed using LOOP Scholastics online ordering platform. (Instructions can be found on the last page of the catalogue)
3. All orders will be delivered to the set home address. (Order delivery cost $6)